Forex Directory

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Forex Directory is a division of RDC Bancorp, Inc., a foreign exchange services company based in Toronto, Canada.

The Forex Directory site was launched in July of 99, and is not affiliated with any brokerage operation, forex or otherwise. It is maintained as an independant and thus able to deliver unbiased content most suitable for the forex participant.

Forex Directory is devoted exclusively to the world of foreign exchange and its derivatives. Our goal is to provide quality content that is complete for those involved in all aspects of the otc currency world. Corporates, bank dealers, investors, and speculators can all find that which is relevant to their operation.

We are always searching to bring our viewers pertinent information that is functional and usefull. So visit us regularly because our site changes often. In fact, if you or your firm are in a position to offer content which you feel may be usefull Forex Directory is open to displaying your content.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, let us know. If there is a feature you would like to see or improved, tell us about it. If there is enough interest and it is feasable, we'll do it.

We are committed to the development of our site and welcome constructive criticism.

Forex Directory Team

gold dollar dollar peso real rand pound euro swissie kronor kronor krona zloty ruble try shekel riyal rupee dollar dollar dollar ringgit baht rupiah peso won yen dollar dollar stocks bonds oil
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